Wednesday 18 September 2013


You can not expect other people to love you if do not love yourself first and you can not give love to people if you do not have it in you to love who you are and what you are. Wake up evry morning look in the mirror and tell yourself that you are beautiful, love yourself as you are because if love manifests itself in you ,it has its origins in beauty because true beauty is reflected through love. Just wake up in the morning and celebrate the magic that is you.
Self-acceptance is an invitation to stop trying to change yourself into the person you wish to be, long enough to find out who you really are. Take the Self-Acceptance Test to identify the areas of self-acceptance you most need to work on.

Read more: Robert Holden gives esy to steps to loving and accepting yoursel as you are. It is ok to be different,the odd one out or the misfit because it means you are doing you and nobody does that better than yourself. LOVE who you are and don't let any one tell you different,NEVER change who you are because you do not fit into the world's neat little box instead just build a bigger one that will fit all of the extraordinary person that is you. In Isixhosa we say "ZITHANDE"(LOVE YOUSELF).....

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